i. create a OleDbConnection and work with like a Database
ii. using excel data library and get its functionality
I think second one is the better solution to doing this.
1. Import excel library into the class
I assign a library to simple word(Excel) for working easily
2. Create objects
3. Assign values
4. Assign values to object
In this case you can open all sheets in workbook, only doing is parsing a specific sheet number which you need to open. Further details you can access the Workbooks.Open Method
5. Get the data range in excel file and fill it to the ArrayList
6. Save your data in excel sheet
You can change rowNo & columnNo. This is the cell position which you want to save your data.
7. Close the application
8. Finlay you must release all the excel objects.
In this application I also release the xlWorkBook object and xlWorkSheet object.
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